Last week we wrote a thought provoking Blog about CAWs, and we are running it again, for those of you who missed or dismissed it.
Too many horseplayers waste their time, and emotions on CAWs, I recommend reading this and storing it away.
Society today has short term memory and amnesia, and some of you took the 'goldfish scenario a bit too far.
Yes, we told you to have a short term memory about bad beats, negative stuff, we didn't mean to tell you forget everything. Some forget what they had for lunch at dinner time, but I give you a 9+ for effort.
Some nowdays don't remember shite, and keep making the same mistakes over and over. So, please, let the brain suffer a little bit and thinking a little more, as the oneapplying history can go a long way, but before we go on with CAWs here is a reminder:
We ARE OFFERING SAVINGS on credits, thru Sunday, tomorrow. Stock up as prices will return to normal. Do it now before you forget ! Oy vey!
Also for some of you that can't remember what you had for dinner last nite, the Kentucky Derby and Triple Crown season is officially underway. It starts today.
You know, the Triple Crown and Kentucky Derby is that race that starts on the first Saturday in May, known to cause fever and high pitched screams of delight from aficionados everytime a horse does something on the track in a triple crown prep with that collective squeal ''That's the one!" in every single event.
Some people end up having 10-15 horses a season leading into the first Saturday in May, 10-15 horses to choose from for "I Told You So'' when one of them wins, conveniently forgetting they also touted 10-14 others.
If that's you congratulations you are batting .066, well below the Mendoza line. You can click here if you have forgotten what the Mendoza line is.,.....
We now return to our regular scheduled programming (uninterrupted):
Now for the main event CAWS, if you have forgotten, please refer to top of page and if you want to know more read on:
Handicappers have their own super villains they have to deal with, The CAWs.
CAW is Computer Assisted Wagering and the Paulick Report has an excellent educational view from their own 1/8 pole about them:
As we turn to 2025, CAWs wreack havoc with horseplayers psyche.
Horseplayers bet 9-1 shots and at post time and during the running of the race its 5-2.
Ray explains it thoroughly. I remember the day asking a Gulfstream Park official a long time ago if I could set up my client with his group of big bettors.
He told me "I can put him right into the tote".
Hence there is the problem, my client was not a CAW user, he just wagered a large amount of monies, which is harmless, he can be as right as wrong as we are, but if you place a CAWs computer into the pools its like the Big Bad Wolf finding Grandmas house before Red Riding Hood even leaves her own house.
We are Red Riding Hood, with our basket of hard earned goodies, going to wager on our favorite tracks from the safety of Grandmas House.

CAWs are the mythical Big Bad Wolf to horseplayers, they fear'em, for their insatiable appetite perks and kickbacks.
Which, us, Little Red Riding Hood, have no access to.
How do we beat that? You can't and you shouldn't spend one more second thinking about it.
Can we control the owner of a horse with inside information betting on his horse? No!
We can't control someone betting on information that is not mainstream media? Not no but hell no!
Ray says we are all suckers, and he is right, but the suckers are the ones who day in and day out are clueless to the information that is out there that can give them the advantage over Non-CAWs player, that's who you are, in reality, playing against.
CAWs just want to break even or not lose less than 10% of their bankroll, they make stacks breaking even and that is the name of their game.
That is not even close why us regular folks, little red riding hoods, play the races!
We have a different mission statement, and i have never heard an horseplayer happy with breaking even or less.
We play to win the race, so why are CAWs important to us?
We can't control what these people do, although we are at an unfair disadvantage, they are not out to find the winner, they are playing every conceivable combination, which is something us 'little red riding hoods' could and would never do.
You know who the real suckers are those who follow blindly use free or passed on mainstream information.
For example, you cousin 'Fredo' passes on workout reports, sheets, handicapping paraphenalia he got from 'Tony Gumba', they just share all this info to over 100s of individuals.
These 'fellas' are the suckers they are all going to be betting the same horses, you have seen on it social media, the question posed frequently "who is everybody singling?"
Seriously, these people have little or no overall understanding of parimutuel betting, they are the suckers, when the collective single opens at 4/5.
The key to the game for us, little red riding hoods, is having our own exclusive information. If a first time starter is bet down from a 20-1 morning line, the wolves literally are devouring themselves to rush to Grandma's house. It snowballs, all these 'geniuses' think someone knows something.
The fact was the morning line maker was completely clueless or may be even idiotic enough to think if he makes a horse 20-1 he likes, he will get a price.
Those players are a dime a dozen, they don't le ttheir brains suffer and think about that morning line being completely out of whack, but we blame CAWs instead of our own ignorance.
It doesn't affect my thinking one iota. None.
Horseplayers get 'acido' thinking of the CAWs and bet a horse 9/2 and get 2-1, but that's where we are at.
"Oh Granny what big ears you have!"

Yes, the industry does have big ears, the better to hear you with and do nothing about it, because money is why they are in business. CAWs bet large amount of monies.
There is a cure, after all, and it falls on the horseplayers shoulders.
We are not the suckers, CAWs are the jokers, all we can do is be a Batman and bet the winner.